2016! I Think I’m Ready

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Joshua Tree 2015

Weren’t we just doing this like a year ago? Well, it doesn’t even feel like it has been a year. I was still 30 this time last year, of course that means I’m 31 now and my birthday is just a few months away. Jeez, I guess my mom was right about this one thing, time does fly. This all made me reflect: What have I done this last year?

  • I started an insurance business
  • I started my media site – Just in time too
  • I enrolled in a credential program to start teaching on the side
  • started backpacking and video blogging the adventures
  • I spent a lot of time at the beach with my friends and family
  • My wife got the job of her dreams
  • I went to my best friends bachelor party in Las Vegas
  • I saw my first employee come and go
  • I became vegan/vegetarian
  • I started doing yoga
  • I started to focus on positivity (not naïve, just positive)

What Are Things That I Want to Accomplish in 2016

  • I need to grow my insurance business (have to pay the bills)
  • I need to leave cell coverage areas, breath fresh air, and take in the natural beauty of the great outdoors on at least 12 backpacking trips
  • Make 12 vlogs about said backpacking trips
  • I need to maintain my gym and weight training regiment
  • Become cavity free; this is a work in progress, I can still feel the anesthesia wearing off from this mornings visit
  • I need to take my family on a memorable spring break vacation- I’m thinking the East Coast
  • I need to take my wife on a romantic trip- Some place with white sand
  • Learn to play guitar – Oldie but goodie
  • Learn to speak Mandarin

What Are You Planning For 2016? Here Were Last Years Top 10 New Years Resolutions according to Nielsen

Stay fit and healthy 37%
Lose weight 32%
Enjoy life to the fullest 28%
Spend less, save more 25%
Spend more time with family and friends 19%
Get organized 18%
Will not make any resolutions 16%
Learn something new/new hobby 14%
Travel more 14%
Read more 12%

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