Attn: Ammon Bundy

I am always skeptical of what I read or see on the main stream media. With that in mind I at times find myself thinking,”If given the opportunity to ask just 5 questions to the person of interest, what would I ask?” As for Ammon Bundy, I would start with:

Mr. Bundy,

While I can applaud a good protest as an American I would have reservations about showing up ready for war. With legislation making it easy for our representatives in power to label an American as a terrorist and skirt around due practice “taking matters into their own hands.” While the mainstream media continue to cover the story however it would be a nightmare for the federal government to try and clean up. I do however have a few questions

  1. What is the message you want people to receive?
    • There are reports of the militia representing the people of Harney County, but they claim “not so much.”
    • The other claim is that the militia is there to defend Dwight and Steven Hammond, but their family attorney wants to distance themselves as far away from the group as possible.
  2. Are you concerned about being labeled a domestic terrorist?
    • Even as a pacifist, if called to do so, I would defend my county with no hesitation.
    • I believe in love over lead, but I understand the need for force. The purpose of the second amendment is so that the people our great nation have the ability to stand up to it’s leaders, but a .223 or 7.62 round would have no chance against a Predator Drone.
  3. If the Fed Govt. don’t show up, what’s next?
    • With the lack of response, the chatter is starting to make it look like the group is just a group of bored guys. When is the wait long enough? Is this just the beginning?
  4. Also, I am interested in knowing, what is your favorite choice of Tactical firearms?
    • I am sure that the gun stores would like to know what brands are preferred so they can stock up prior to the administration calling for another restriction on “Assault Rifles.”
  5. What kind of snacks would you like?
    • I was taught growing up to share and not let people go hungry so… what shall it be?

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