Netflix Revolution

Netflix has fundamentally changed the way people share and learn new information. In the past media creators and distributers  have been beholden to the will of huge, private and government, sponsors who often had an agenda to move forward. This is most noticeable in the catalog of documentaries and controversial content. There is still plenty to veg out … Read more

Drowning in Oil: Why? And is it a Good Thing?

There is an abundance of cheap oil around, which translates into cheap energy and gas. Will this have a positive or negative impact? Lets take a step back: The world oil supply is artificially high, which is pushing barrel prices to record lows. NYMEX closed at records low last Friday, trading $29.42 a barrel, the lowest price since Feb of … Read more

Weak Markets and Little Faith

On Tuesday’s State of The Union Address,  President Obama touted of strong economic progress. I see the stock markets on a continuous decline, commodities are also doing the same, Oil is at record lows, Gold usually a safe bet for investors also down. Where is the economic boom that I keep hearing about? What I do see … Read more