Before I die, I want to_____________

Death is often seen as an inhibitor, not as a motivator. The fear of death is what keeps us from acting recklessly and keeps us alive. For most of us, thinking of death triggers feelings of sadness, depression, and anxiety, but what are all of these feelings? These feelings are energy manifesting itself in the … Read more

Relax, Nothing Is in Control

Even with the most detailed of plans, to survive in this world we must relax and embrace the uncertainty. I had detailed plans to hike the summit of the San Jacinto Peak this past weekend. The views from the peak was described by John Muir as the most sublime spectral to found anywhere on earth. … Read more

The Pursuit of Happiness

Happy New Year everyone! 2016 is going to be a great year, I can feel it! It is already a few weeks into the new year and the talk of the town is new year’s resolutions. I used to participate, like most of people, in making a new year’s resolution. Then, again like most of the … Read more

Stay Gold

No… Not talking about “Pony Boy” I am talking about those pure and good intentions inside of people. As performed by  First Aid Kit, “Stay Gold” is a song of starting out as gold and becoming tarnished and tired because of well… life. Seeing as to how I am the sole creator of my life and … Read more

Say “No!” To Resolutions

I cordially invite everyone to join me in saying “No!” to Resolutions this year. What is the point! By January 15th they are as lost and forgotten as my twice used Cherry ChapStick . I say, let’s do away with the B.S. and start every day like most people start their new year.  “Investing” in … Read more