Weak Markets and Little Faith

On Tuesday’s State of The Union Address,  President Obama touted of strong economic progress. I see the stock markets on a continuous decline, commodities are also doing the same, Oil is at record lows, Gold usually a safe bet for investors also down. Where is the economic boom that I keep hearing about? What I do see … Read more

Attn: Ammon Bundy

I am always skeptical of what I read or see on the main stream media. With that in mind I at times find myself thinking,”If given the opportunity to ask just 5 questions to the person of interest, what would I ask?” As for Ammon Bundy, I would start with: Mr. Bundy, While I can … Read more

Guns In America

“I mean, think about it. We all believe in the First Amendment, the guarantee of free speech, but we accept that you can’t yell fire in a theater. We understand there are some constrains on out freedom in order to protect innocent people. We understand there are some constraints on our freedom in order to … Read more