The Camping Basics

The crisp air, the gentle sounds of nature, the warmth of a fire and a hot meal cooked over an open fire. Did someone say “lets go camping?”

Miles away from the last text message and no possible way to update your Facebook status might sound terrifying for some, yet to many others a tech detox is exactly what is needed. We all too often (myself included) become consumed with the tech everything around us and we forget to put our devices down and enjoy the company of the people directly next to us. If this is you, then these are the basics of what you need to enjoy a night or a few nights connecting with friends and family.

Where can I Camp?: For those new to camping I recommend to find a developed camp site near you. Other valuable resources are or your state parks website.

The tent: If this is your first time out, there is absolutely no reason to over complicate your life, or over spend on a beach-camping-1361630-640x480piece of equipment for an activity you are just trying out. Visit your local sporting goods outlet and find a SIMPLE to assemble tent. Keep it simple and minimal, you are looking for a shelter to keep you out of mild weather, not to house a battalion. Dome tents are very popular and with good reason. A 4 person dome tent will only set you back betwen $50 and $100 for a tent suitable for car camping (drive up camping).

 Food: The best part of car camping is the food. This is where you put all of your BBQ skills to the test. With thebutter-please-1383185-638x437 luxury of a car for storage and transporting your nourishment, the possibilities are unlimited (Recipes). A must have for every camp trip however, s’mores. When it comes to food, remember not to forget hygiene. Along with preserving the health of your fellow camp mates, is keeping the critters away. Keep your food stored safely, kept cold if needed, or simply out of reach of the all too brave raccoon.

Entertainment: TALK! Talk to the people you are with! This is the best part and what we miss out on in our busy campfire-1-1305920-638x425lives. Take firewood and start a fire, then sit around the fire and talk to one another. Sitting around a camp fire is one of the best places to get to know someone on a deeper level. Other easy tech free forms of entertainment are as simple as a deck of cards, or guessing games. For a more complete list of camp game check out Pintrest or other idea boards.

Camping is one of the simplest yet most rewarding leisurely activities one can do. from Camp, explore a hike, visit a near by city, or enjoy a relaxing afternoon exchanging stories, sharing dreams, and watching the clouds float on. Life is short, take a break, enjoy the here and the now.


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