The Pursuit of Happiness

Happy New Year everyone! 2016 is going to be a great year, I can feel it! It is already a few weeks into the new year and the talk of the town is new year’s resolutions.

I used to participate, like most of people, in making a new year’s resolution. Then, again like most of the world population, I would stop about a month in and go back to my old habits. To put it plainly, quoting the Die Hard series, “old habits die hard.” Why go to the gym and work out when you can drive thru McDonalds, get a large McFlurry with M&M’s, and not even get out of the car to order or eat your tasty delicious treat. My goal is not to sell anyone on McFlurries- and as always unhealthy tasty treats should be consumed moderately. My goal in writing this post is to connect with people and let those of you who relate to my self-inflicted yearly situation know that you are not alone.

This year, I don’t want to fall into the old habit of creating a resolution and breaking it. So I’m reflecting on myself as a person, and on this past year of my life. I reflected on what I accomplished as well as what I wanted to accomplish, but never did. I fall into the category of the normal, average person,  who makes plans that inevitably get placed on hold because life happens. Goals get put on the back burner, or even forgotten, because something else intervenes that we determine is more important. Since I have realized this happens in my life, I decided to start small and not make a new year’s resolution, but instead, invest in enriching myself as a person.

For me, 2016 is going to be the year of happiness. I realize this sounds as if I am not happy, but that is not the case. If you get nothing else out of reading this, please just know that Happiness is a choice.  Happiness is a choice and for some people this can be hard. I believe that a lot has to do with your own outlook on life, your current situation and your own thoughts. There is the saying, “you are your own worst enemy,” and this is true. Should someone choose to be unhappy and difficult then in every situation they will find a way to be difficult and unhappy, no matter the outcome. This can be hard especially on those around you.dumbledore quote

One way to combat this is to try new things and share them. This can also be difficult for people especially because you are putting yourself in unfamiliar territory and that is uncomfortable and scary. Studies show that trying new things is not only great for yourself mentally, but can also bring you extreme amounts of joy and happiness. Sharing your joy and adventures not only is encouraging to others but reflects your happiness with yourself.

we must take adventuresThere is a great article in Psychology Today about trying new things. Dr. Alex Lickerman writes that trying new things takes courage, keeps you from getting bored and stagnant; and forces you to grow.

For me, trying new things isn’t about just enjoying a new activity or food, for example. I really am content enjoying all the things I already enjoy. But straying into foreign lands, both metaphorically and literally, has always forced me to challenge my beliefs. And as painful as that is, nothing, I believe, contributes to our happiness more than shattering the delusions to which we cling, unable as we often are to distinguish between beliefs that are true and beliefs that are false (especially beliefs about ourselves).

–        Dr. Alex Lickerman M.D.

To read the full fantastic article, click on the below link:

I highly encourage anyone reading this to invest in yourself this year. This is not selfish, rather think of it this way, why try new things and learn new things if not to share. Do things to enrich yourself and by doing so you will be able to not only help someone else, but also discover things about yourself that you may have not known or thought you were capable of. It takes less muscles in your face to smile than it does to frown. Your smile can change someone’s entire day. 2016 here we come!

Let not one ever come to you without leaving happier.

-Mother Teresa

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